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Lilliputian Scenes inside Altered Books:  Penny’s Camp

Intermediate • Ages 8 to 12 

July 8 to 12 (5 full days) 

9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

$640 + GST

Using the breathtakingly illustrated edition of Gulliver’s Travels in Lilliput (by Gennady Spirin) as her inspiration, Penny would like to help us guide campers through a week of incredible adventure. 


Beginning each day with a key passage, Christianne will ground the group in this classic piece of literature before forging into creative waters.

Gulliver's Travels.jpg

Each child will receive the hardcover skeleton of a book (without the pages) and pieces of cardboard. They will use these materials to build their own book box, which they can then collage and embellish with gold accents.



Next, choosing their favourite novel, they will create a scene in miniature to be nestled inside the book. Ideas can be sparked by the greats; Tolkein’s The Hobbit, Percy Jackson & The Olympians, or the complete catalogue of Grimm’s Fairy Tales, it’s whatever your camper feels most passionate about.

Percy Jackson.jpeg
Example Novels

Once completed, this treasure can be clasped and placed on a shelf, or put away as a small-scale world, and brought out as inspiration for imaginary play alone, or with a friend. 


We’ll spend one day thrifting on a tight budget as every student begins to collect small but perfectly formed curio items; an earring may stand in for a chandelier, a pendant for a painting or a doily for curtains. Of course we will access both Penny’s and our collections of tiny treasures to help embellish each unique creation. 

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We can’t forget to fill tummies, so Penny has made sure that we’ll provide a smörgåsbord of snacks, in miniature of course, to celebrate the beauty in all things small.


Here's one example idea.

Artist: Coral Threw




You can register in four ways:


  1. By calling 604 733 1356

  2. By emailing

  3. By visiting 4433 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC

  4. By chanting the magic words at the stroke of midnight


Please make sure you read our registration policies and procedures. 

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