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Harry Potter, Wizard’s Chess and Quidditch

Intermediate • Ages 8 to 12

July 15 to 19  (5 full days)

9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

$640 + GST

We’re mixing it up this year, and this might be the best iteration yet. We’ll ease ourselves into each morning by reading excerpts from Jim Kay’s beautifully illustrated editions and invite the group to enter into whatever discussions excite them. We’ll do everything from making our own brooms, to spell trivia and house sorting, making sure that every witch and wizard is catered for.

On our first day together we’ll go ‘all-in’ on wizard’s chess! Christianne will read the nail biting game we all know and love in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone before we spend the day making our own set. 


We know this seems hard to beat, but we’ll give it the old college try. On Tuesday, the group will explore another perilous scene (this time from the second book), making their own miniature whomping willow models complete with a ‘no longer flying’ Ford Anglia. 


For lovers of the wizarding school curriculum, we’ll be going to wizarding school three mornings of the week - divination, potions, and the dark arts. Magical modes of transport in hand, after strategy training at the Lyceum (and a rule refresher cheat sheet) we’ll head to the quidditch pitch three afternoons out of five, for a truly thrilling game…to be rewarded of course with an end of week visit to Honeydukes. 


The keepsakes that each student will take home are unparalleled, so make sure your child’s name is on the list for this offering.

Jim Key_s illustration sample 2.jpeg



You can register in four ways: 


  1. By calling 604 733 1356

  2. By emailing

  3. By visiting 4433 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC 

  4. By chanting the magic words at the stroke of midnight


Please make sure you read our registration policies and procedures. 

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