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Professional Development Workshops

During the period of covid-19 restrictions, professional development workshops will be restricted to an online format with Dr. Hayward and as always she is happy to tailor presentations to your particular school groups or educators. She can speak to broad topics owing to a rich education and experience base spanning several years: the art of storytelling, nurturing social conscience through select literature, the use of literature to provoke writing, taking reluctant writers to competent writers, embracing diversity by linking books that address several topics. 


To register for our workshops or to request one for your school, please call 604.733.1356 or email us at Participants will receive a certificate to recognize their attendance at a Professional Development event.*


*During the covid-19 pandemic these sessions will be conducted via Zoom.


Professional Development at Christianne’s Lyceum brings together proven technique from our popular programs for young people and the latest in pedagogical theory. Designed to meet the needs of participants, the programs take on an open ended discussion format that guarantees that they meet the needs of participants.


All professional development workshops include light refreshments, a handout (including a list of books discussed during the workshop) and the opportunity for individualized consultation with children’s literature expert, Dr. Christianne Hayward.



For ECE and Primary Educators

Date: TBA

6:00 PM to 9:30 PM

$70 + GST

Early Childhood and Primary Educators are invited to join us for an evening of storytelling. How do you select stories as provocations for inquiry? How do you use props to place stories in different, more relevant, contexts? How do you help students feel the suspense of a story as it unfolds? This workshop will address these questions while introducing you to some of the best in children’s literature, each book chosen specifically to spark larger discussions and highlight possible areas of inquiry. An individualized book list will be generated for each participant.


Making Essays Fun

For Intermediate, Middle School and High School Educators

Date: TBA

6:00 PM to 9:30 PM

$70 + GST

Essays. The word strikes dread in the hearts of many students. And many teachers, for that matter. It seems that no matter how many times you explain the essay format, or what a thesis statement is, your students still seem muddled, confused, and frankly, scared. In this workshop, Dr. Christianne Hayward will walk you through some techniques for clarifying the essay writing process. We’ll look at ways to help your students embrace the ambiguity that comes with the initial brainstorming process for essay writing, and introduce a way to physically represent the fluid nature of students thinking as their ideas about their essay topic evolve and take shape. Add to this a few hilarious essay writing activities that are guaranteed to get your students talking, and you have everything you need to create a classroom full of passionate non-fiction writers. After all, essays are really about clearly articulated ideas, so if your students like winning arguments, they like writing essays. They just may not know it yet.

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